Cycas Annaikalensis


Cycas is popular in Kerala especially for gardening as ornamental plants. However, the more popular one is Cycas circinalis known in Malayalam as ‘Eentha pana’ much used for their edible fruits and decorative leaves. Recently the species is in news for a fast spreading disease that is depleting its population much faster.

Another species Cycas annaikalensis which was found as new species in 2006. The species which is endemic has very small population in qualifying it as critically endangered species as per IUCN categorization. It a single stemmed palm like tree with spreading crown of pinnate leaves. Only few individuals left are in the wild as of now. We made a survey to Anaikkal near Malampuzha, Palakkad where the population exists. Three plants we could collect and grow in our garden successfully which is shown in the picture.