Plant of the week - Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr.
Coscinium fenestratum (common name: Maramanjal) is a woody climber / liana. Stems are yellow...
This week’s plant - Cynanchum annularium (Roxb.) Liede & Khanum more familiar as Holostemma ada-kodien
Cynanchum annularium, a handsome, laticiferous, climber with conspicuous...
This week Plant – Oldenlandia dineshii
In search of Oldenlandia dineshii, a recently reported plant.
This blue flowered eye-catching herb differ in appearance...
Baccaurea courtallensis (Wight) Muell.Arg. – Mootilpazham (In Malayalam) Phyllanthaceae
Baccaurea courtallensis is an edible medicinal plant that is endemic to the Western Ghats...
Cycas Annaikalensis
Cycas is popular in Kerala especially for gardening as ornamental plants. However, the more popular one is Cycas circinalis known in...