Week and Your Plants – February 26 to March 03
Zodiac sign : Aquarius / Kumbam
Prosopis cineraria (വഹ്നി ) - Fabaceae
Thorny trees of costal and dry zones providing fodder, fuel for timber, and shade, as well as affecting soil improvement and sand dune stabilization. Known to be used for Treatment of various ailments like leprosy, dysentery, asthma, leukoderma, dyspepsia and earache etc.
February 26, Monday : Uthram : Ficus microcarpa (ഇത്തി) – Moraceae
Often called as Chinese banyan, usually epiphytic, is an evergreen, small or medium-sized banyan tree with a dense, spreading crown. Leaves simple, latex milkythick and shiny. It is harvested for local use as a medicine andas a source of fibre, latex and wood. The root, bark and leaf latex are used medicinally to treat wounds, headache and toothache. Often planted as a garden tree.
February 27, Tuesday : Atham : Spondias pinnata (അമ്പഴം )- Anacardiaceae
It is a deciduous tree. fruits, leaves and flowers are edible. It is also sometimes cultivated in home gardens for its fruit. It is medicinal too. The bark is recommended in the treatment of stomach aches and dysentery.
February 28, Wednesday : Atham : Spondias pinnata (അമ്പഴം )- Anacardiaceae
It is a deciduous tree. fruits, leaves and flowers are edible. It is also sometimes cultivated in home gardens for its fruit. It is medicinal too. The bark is recommended in the treatment of stomach aches and dysentery.
February 29, Thursday : Chithira : Aegle marmelos (കൂവളം) - Rutaceae
It is a slow-growing deciduous shrub or tree. The tree is armed with spines. Considered a sacred tree in the Hindu culture, the leaves are indispensable offerings to the Lord Shiva. The tree is commonly grown in the premises of temples. The fruit is used to make a very refreshing drink. The fruits, leaves, twigs and root are used medicinally. It is one of the ingredients in Dasamoola.
March 01, Friday : Chothi : Terminalia arjuna (നീർമരുത്) - Combretaceae
It is a very large deciduous tree. A very important medicinal plant in India, where it has been employed in medicine for at least 3,000 years. The tree is also exploited in the wild for its timber and tannin-rich bark. An important source of timber in India.
March 02, Saturday : Visakham : Flacourtia jangomas (വയ്യങ്കത)- Salicaceae
It is a small, spiny, evergreen tree that branches from very low down on the bole. The plant is cultivated for its edible fruit. The roots, leaves and bark all contain tannins and are used in the treatment of diarrhoea.