Plant of the Week – Murdannia semiteres (Dalz.) Sant.

Murdannia semiteres (Dalz.) Sant. (Accepted name: Murdannia nimmoniana (J.Graham) Bole & Amp; M.R. Almeida) commonly known as “Neelappullu” is a small, herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the family Commelinaceae. They are characterized by its slender, sprawling reddish tinged stems growing up to 30 cm tall that spreads like a mat. Leaves simple, alternate and small and with pinkish, blue to purple coloured flowers appearing gregariously. These plants can survive in nutrient poor conditions and thrive drought to some extent. This ecologically important plant is seen in the exposed rocky patches in several parts of the district. Presently, Green Ahalia is studying the distribution and ecology of this plant as part of ABG Programme.

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